Thursday 31 January 2013

Candy Grams

Sudent council is selling candy grams on Febuary 4th to the 8th for 25 cents each. They will be given out on St. Valentine's day.

Mini Sticks Tournament

Student Council organized a Mini-Sticks Tournament on January 29 and 30.

Grades 4-6: Blake, Rylan, Justin
Grades 7-8: Ethan, Zach, Brett

Sportsman Ship Winners:
Grades 4-6: Joie Simon
Grades7-8: Mrs. Kennedy

2nd place grades 4-6

1st place grades 4-6

1st place grades 7-8

2nd place grades 7-8

Sports Day

        On January 31, students could wear sports related clothes to school. Wheather it was a jersey, hat, or a shirt with a sports team on it. Two students from student council went around to every class to take a picture of the kids who sopported this spirit day.

12 days of christmas

 Christmas pajamas


Some of the 12 Days of Christmas events that student council organized were: delivering Christmas cards to local businesses, wear your Christmas headgear, wear your Christmas pj's, sell candy grams, dress as your favorite winter character, guess Santa, decorate your classroom door, sing a Christmas carol with your class, read a Christmas story with your class, wear red and green, and wear a Christmas pin.

 Christmas headgear

 Delivering food donations to the Food Bank

 Dress as a Christmas character

Pictures with Santa & turkey feast

    On December 5 & 6, the family room and some teachers at Ruth Betts Community School, organized a turkey feast. Sudents from all grades could come to the school at 6pm with their families for a nice Christmas dinner. Student Council took pictures of kids with Santa then were given a little treat bag that had a candy cane and an orange inside. There was a door prize that included Ruth Betts shirts and sweaters and also a ginger bread house. Over all the event was Fantastic and everything went smooth. The food was delicous and kids had fun talking to Santa and getting a picture with him.